Performance Management System
Performance Management System  Performance Management System  Malaysia, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan (NS), Penang, Kuala Lumpur (KL) System, Software, Supplier, Supply | vData Consulting Sdn Bhd

PeopleHCM designed exclusively for HR, management, staff.

Its ready with single integrated with our others modules such as Core HR, Comensation& Benefits as well as Bonus Simulation.
 You are able to collaborate with other necessary modules to further enhance your operation standards and transform your management to excellence. Following performance managmenet features highlights:

  • ✔ Streamline and simplify performance management process
  •  ✔ Single integrated platform with training skill assessment 
  • ✔ Multiple performance evaluators up to 15 levels 
  • ✔ User definable review periods, assessment forms, employee competencies, and workflows
  • ✔ Align employees goals and KPI planning based on company roadmap 
  • ✔ Real time feedbacks and performance score moderation
  • ✔ Advance comparison between expected review score and original review score
  • ✔ Behaviour log for bettter employees engagement

Others integrated modules in PeopleHCM:
Employee master  
CV Comparison
Training & Development 
Training Needs Analysis
Employee Benefits
Exit Procedures
Hostel/Travel /Transport
Organization Chart
Industrial Relations
Proactive Alerts & Notifications
Bonus Simulation
Manpower Planning
Career Planning
Succession Planning

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